Amendment 6: Law Enforcement

Platte County Democrats: Neutral

Ballot Language

Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to provide that the administration of justice shall include the levying of costs and fees to support salaries and benefits for certain current and former law enforcement personnel?

State and local governmental entities estimate an unknown fiscal impact.

Fair Ballot Language

“yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to levy costs and fees to support salaries and benefits for current and former sheriffs, prosecuting attorneys, and circuit attorneys to ensure all Missourians have access to the courts of justice.

“no” vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution to levy costs and fees related to current or former sheriffs, prosecuting attorneys and circuit attorneys.

If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.

Read More

For the full legal description of this ballot measure, see the links posted at Missouri Secretary of State 2024 Ballot Measures.

For a comprehensive read on the pros and cons as well as the history of this amendment, see Ballotpedia.

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